Please Log In

English | Cymraeg | Gàidhlig | Gaeilge | login | for help email:
Cirrostratus aims to make the server work for the widest range of people. We modify the software to ensure that it is as accessible as is practical (testing against NVDA and Jaws). We also offer an multilingual interface. It is our objective to make the system work with devices (desktop, laptop, tablet, mobiles) with the widest reasonable range of operating systems. However, we cannot support all browsers. We develop the system against Chrome on Windows, but Chrome on other operating systems should work and we do automated testing on other operating systems. Firefox, Edge and Safari have also been found to work, but may not work as well as Chrome (depending on the versions of the browser).

The server is unsure as to what browser you are using. The server is developed against Chrome so if you have problems it might be best to switch to chrome.

Scan me!
User Name:
(this is the first part of your email address on Exedra - or your external email address)
Authorisation Code: If you use an authorisation code you can put it here. If you don't use an authorisation code leave this blank. If you leave it blank and you need it the system will ask you for one later.

Lost or forgotten password: (The system assumes you have put in your user name already above.)
Lost or forgotten user name:
Cookies: Please note that to work this system uses cookies. If you log into the system then you are assenting to the use of cookies. These cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of the website which is why we use implied consent rather than explicit consent. If you don't want to use cookies then sadly you cannot use this website.

Nota Bene: Please note that HMRC require reauthorisation after 18 months. If the system is saying you need authorisation you probably need to reauthorise. That is on the ManageAuthorisations page. If you have an ASA you need to reauthorise that after 18 months.

Service Down:
MTD ITSA: 17:00 on Friday 06th December to 09:00 on Monday 09th December 2024
MTD ITSA: Scheduled maintenance on Friday 13 December - Monday 17 December 2024.
MTD VAT: 08:00 – 20:30 on Sunday 08th December 2024

For (further) information about Making Tax Digital down time see here