VAT Direct - Free Making Tax Digital bridging system and cloud cashbooks for smaller businesses

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VAT Direct

Home page for client of Cirrostratus. If this is your server please login. Otherwise please click on the link for the home page. or watch some of the training videos

Nota Bene: Please note that HMRC require reauthorisation after 18 months. If the system is saying you need authorisation you probably need to reauthorise. That is on the ManageAuthorisations page. If you have an ASA you need to reauthorise that after 18 months.

Service Down:
We are intending to transfer our server to a new hosting service in the near future. We have not yet planned this, but we expect to stop running the service for a period of time at a weekend when this happens.

For (further) information about Making Tax Digital down time see here

VAT Direct - How it works - documentation

Creating Digital Links and More Information about CSV files

Here are some training videos (if you want them bigger either click on full screen (bottom right of display when playing) or run from youtube directly: